Interesting New Work!

So this has a little bit of a story behind it. Believe me, it’s weird!
So, I already made a post a little while back about how my new favorite band is Sabaton. They are a Swedish metal band, if you didn’t read the previous post. They have a small fanbase in the States but have enjoyed international stardom for a good long while. It’s tough to successfully break into the US music scene and while they ARE touring in the USA, they are opening for other bands, like Judas Priest. The metal crowd is a lot more niche than it was a few decades ago, so it’s hard going. BUT, my son is really passionate about military history. And Sabaton is all about military history. He came across someone recommending them on a history Reddit. He liked it, and he had a good idea that I would like it, too. He was right!
I mentioned that they are touring with Judas Priest. Ticket prices to see Judas Priest live are completely insane, apparently. I’m a live music brat. I don’t want to sit in the nosebleeds and watch the performance with binoculars. I want to be front and center on a general admission floor, having a great time! But I couldn’t justify paying the prices to see Judas Priest when I only really want to see Sabaton. To go to a concert, I need to be getting tickets for me, my husband, our son, AND my Father-in-Law (yes, he really wants to go, too!). So the grand total for all tickets when I went to purchase for the Charlotte, NC concert in April was going to be very close to $4,000 USD! I’m a freelancer. We don’t make tons of money, so I can’t do that. I’m sad, but I can’t go. And it is so close to my son’s birthday that I was hoping to turn it into a birthday present and celebration. But, alas… it wasn’t meant to be. And he understands, thankfully.
So, I was looking for a USA presence of some kind so I could keep up more easily with the US tours and stuff. I went to Sabaton’s website and looked around. At the very bottom of their page is a link to “Fan Clubs” so I clicked there. In the list of fan clubs for each country where they have one, I found “USA”! Yay! I clicked and it went to a FaceBook page. Then my heart sank. This is 2024 and the page hasn’t had an update since 2021. I contacted another very active fan club (the one for Poland) and they suggested that I just try to message or otherwise get in touch with the admins for the USA fan club and see what’s up. So I did. It turned out that between some bad personal situations and a little burnout, the admin had just let it fall to the wayside for a while.
So… you know me. I ask what I can do to help. After all, I am a web developer and social media manager by profession! So, she immediately invites me to co-admin the USA fan club and tells me to do whatever I feel I need to. So here I am, now working on Sabaton’s USA Fan Club’s social media! It’s a little exciting to be completely honest. I’m really enjoying the opportunity to give back to a band that gives so much of themselves to their fans and their music! Maybe one of these days I will develop a website for the USA Panzer Battalion, too!
In the meantime, stop by some key places online and check all of this awesome stuff out!